Spring, quickly

I missed a month of spring in the week or so I was working close to 24/7 on the titan arum blooming at work. But I did have a few minutes to shoot some pix as the early spring bloomers rushed by with the unseasonably warm weather.


fast forward spring


fast forward spring

fast forward spring

Iris reticulata

fast forward spring

Iris histrioides ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ (thanks Lynn!)

fast forward spring

Don’t know how this pulmonaria hitched a ride into the garden. Ugly foliage but great flowers.

fast forward spring

Pussy willows were in their prime one of the few days I was home early enough to take pix.

fast forward spring

fast forward spring

fast forward spring

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January flowers

This is the closest I’ve every come to having real bloom pictures in January. With highs around 50F later this week, I expect I may actually have full blooms. Having a Zone 7 winter does have an upside. In a ‘normal’ winter, I’d expect this kind of display about a month from now.


january flowers

january flowers

january flowers

january flowers


january flowers

Veggie garden — way too green for January.
january flowers

More snowdrops.

january flowers

More bulbs emerging.

january flowers

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New Year’s pix

Winter is finally supposed to hit tonight. (Low’s ~10F, 6 to 10 inches of snow, high ~15F tomorrow.) But New Year’s was sunny and pushing 50F. I even harvested a little lettuce.

new year's pix

Grasses look good.
new year's pix

Pulmonaria is still green (mostly).
new year's pix

Bittersweet wreath by the driveway.
new year's pix

The stiff breezes got the seedheads all pointing the same way.
new year's pix

These are from the weekend before Christmas when we had a little winter preview.
new year's pix

new year's pix

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