Category: Phenology
What happens when. ‘Today the first snowdrop flowered.’
With the warming temps, the spring ephemerals are coming on.
Eranthis, a special variety though I don’t know its name.
Iris histrioides ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ (Thanks Lynn.)
The weather finally broke this weekend, and the peepers are singing tonight. Not with the mind-numbing volume that comes off the wetland during peak peeper season. And a little late, compared to recent warm winters and early springs. But welcome, nevertheless.
First flowers
A little later than last year. But with the snow disappearing quickly, the first eranthis blooms mark the beginning of the gardening season. With temps expected over 50F today, we might even have some snowdrops and hellebores to go along with them. Gotta go cut down some grasses.
Update 2013-03-10: Grasses are cut down, and more eranthis are joining the party.
Guess snowdrops and hellebores will be a few more days.