Spring, quickly

I missed a month of spring in the week or so I was working close to 24/7 on the titan arum blooming at work. But I did have a few minutes to shoot some pix as the early spring bloomers rushed by with the unseasonably warm weather.


fast forward spring


fast forward spring

fast forward spring

Iris reticulata

fast forward spring

Iris histrioides ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ (thanks Lynn!)

fast forward spring

Don’t know how this pulmonaria hitched a ride into the garden. Ugly foliage but great flowers.

fast forward spring

Pussy willows were in their prime one of the few days I was home early enough to take pix.

fast forward spring

fast forward spring

fast forward spring

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4 thoughts on “Spring, quickly”

  1. You caught some of my favorites looking their very best, Craig! Glad you got away from that big stinky flower eventually so you didn’t miss spring altogether!

  2. Awesome photos, Craig… those last two even made me sneeze a little bit, they’re so realistic! 😉

    Hopefully your efforts paid off, and you got lots of traffic to the site during Wee Stinky’s show. I know that a lot of my Facebook Friends–including some I didn’t know would be interested in that anything like that at all–were sharing the page links to Cornell and/or the Huffington Post slideshow. Fun to have something going on that both gardening junkies and non gardening junkies alike can enjoy!

  3. boggles my mind evolutionarily – there are irises and there are irises. there are lillies and lillies. why are some bulbs and some tubers?

    i definitely need to get some of those irises you have!! they are beautiful! and early!

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