
Single scans layered and rotated in offbeat ways.

yellow crocus

The Latest

Yellow crocus tumbler (detail)
(March 2024)

From a weekend of doodling, this tumbler ended up the border in this mandala.

anemone fishbones
Anemone tumbler #2 (March 2023)
anemone spiral
Anemone tumbler #1 (March 2023)
garlic scape manipulations
Garlic scape tumbler converted to mandala, sorta (January 2023)
honeybell doodles
Honeybell Tumbler #2 (Jan. 2023). aka Allium siculum (syn. Nectaroscordum siculum).
honeybell doodles
Honeybell Tumbler #1 (Jan. 2023). aka Allium siculum (syn. Nectaroscordum siculum).
tumbling palm
Tumbling palm (January 2023). Palm seed head.
tumbling star orchid
Tumbling star (January 2023). Darwin’s Star Orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale).
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