This is the closest I’ve every come to having real bloom pictures in January. With highs around 50F later this week, I expect I may actually have full blooms. Having a Zone 7 winter does have an upside. In a ‘normal’ winter, I’d expect this kind of display about a month from now.
Veggie garden — way too green for January.
More snowdrops.
More bulbs emerging.
We too have had a mild winter. I’m going to scout a place for trout lilies next week—normally they would be blooming about a month from now but I am suspecting they might be blooming already.
As much as I hate winter, I do wish it would show up just long enough to retard things a bit. I would hate for everything to be open at once and we have nothing to look at until May or June, or worse yet the plants open only to be devestated by a deep freeze.
Wow, Really liked your pictures.
Had a very mild winter as well, can’t wait for spring though…
Enjoyed your blog
Just found your blog and was nodding my head over your pics, thinking about my daffs and my neighbor’s snowdrops, then I found out you are zone 5 in Ithaca, NY. I’m in the city of Boston- zone 6b. I’m willing to accept that climate change and a bizarrely warm winter might result in snowdrops in Jan, but I think skunk cabbage in Ithaca in Jan is scary.
Just as a sidelight, my container grown tomatoes and eggplant were in a south facing parking lot. They weren’t entirely killed by frost until a week before Thanksgiving. Light snow fell in October, but the heat from the asphalt protected the trailing part of the plant.