Old seeds?

Carol over at May Dreams Gardens found some seed packets dating back to 1886 when she was going through her seeds the other day. I didn’t see any ‘packed for’ dates on these, but I suspect they’re older.

old seed packet

old seed packetold seed packet

(I always thought ‘Australian Brown’ was a table wine.)

old seed packet

And this is what I’ll be using to fertilize the veggies this year:

old seed packet

As you may have guessed, these are actually vintage seed packets from my friend Marcia’s collection. I’ve still got a few packets left from my Y2K purchases, but Carol’s 1986 packs beat me by more than a decade.

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Garden bloggers bloom day: September scans

In the 30s here last night.  It looks and feels like fall outside, and everything looks (as jug band musicians say) ragged but right on the scanner.

Whites, including Sorbaria (reblooming again this year), Eryngium yuccafolium, Eupatorium purpureum ‘Joe White’, Artemisia, Miscanthus.

sept scan

Dahlia, Solidago.

sept scan

Aconitum, Ligularia, Physostegia, Achillea, Lantana, Chelone, Verbena bonariensis.

sept scan

Ditto above with some wild Eupatorium thrown in.

sept scan

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August bloom day scans

Hastily prepared August scans. But this time of the year, it’s not hard to pull together four scanner-beds worth.

Albutilon, Veronicastrum, Hibiscus, bloodleaf:

August flower scan

Eupatoriums, coneflowers, goldenrod. I have no clue what the yellow flowers are. The grow on 6-foot plants that a neighbor gave me.

August flower scan

Liatris, hosta, butterfly bush, dahlia, lantana, viola, Persicaria (‘Firetail’ I think), Telekia?

August flower scan

Phlox, perlargoniums, spirea, fuscia, dahlias:

August flower scan

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