Old seeds?

Carol over at May Dreams Gardens found some seed packets dating back to 1886 when she was going through her seeds the other day. I didn’t see any ‘packed for’ dates on these, but I suspect they’re older.

old seed packet

old seed packetold seed packet

(I always thought ‘Australian Brown’ was a table wine.)

old seed packet

And this is what I’ll be using to fertilize the veggies this year:

old seed packet

As you may have guessed, these are actually vintage seed packets from my friend Marcia’s collection. I’ve still got a few packets left from my Y2K purchases, but Carol’s 1986 packs beat me by more than a decade.

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8 thoughts on “Old seeds?”

  1. Does that label say 200 pounds of Sea Fowl Guano?!

    And I love “The Best Is the Cheapest.” I’m not so sure that slogan would fly today!

  2. I love those old seed packets. I’m always tempted to buy the seeds they put in the old-looking seed packets even today.

    And some of them cost just a nickel! A lot of people won’t even reach down to pick up a nickel on the sidewalk any more.

    By the way, did you stockpile seeds for Y2K in anticipation of the collapse of the modern grocery distribution system?

    Thanks for sharing these with us.
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

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