Category: Woodies
Trees and shrubs I grow.
Trees and Other Ramifications at the Johnson Museum
I’ve heard great things about a current exhibition Trees and Other Ramifications: Branches in Nature and Culture at the Johnson Museum on the Cornell University campus through January 2. (Exhibit description, page down.)
I haven’t had a chance to go see it yet. But I have explored the museum sponsored Tree Blog that accompanies the exhibition and asks people to join in celebration by submitting images, stories, descriptions, poems, photos, or any other creative response to an inspiring tree. Definitely worth exploring.
Here are some inspiring trees I’ve found on Libe Slope, within spitting distance of the museum. If I’d have let the frame drift a little to the right in the first one, you’d have been able to see the Johnson in the background.
Why they call it the Ivy League
Nice fall colors on the building where I work. Planting was installed by Nina Bassuk’s ‘Creating the Urban Eden’ course back in 2007.
Water trees and shrubs, not lawn
That’s the message of an article, Rx for landscape woes: Water trees and shrubs, not lawn, I posted today on the Cornell Horticulture blog.
Almost goes without saying, but here in areas of the Northeast that are suffering through record heat and in some cases less than half of normal precipitation (and much of that in big storms that mostly runoff), you can let the lawn go dormant and it will usually bounce back.
But for trees and shrubs — especially those that are just getting established — this can be a life-threatening situation. Even if woody plants have shed their leaves, you can water them now and they may refoliate. After two weeks, they’ve made up for the extra effort of putting out another set of leaves and are storing up energy for winter or future growth.