I had time this week to finish up the videos I did from stills for the August Garden Bloggers Design Workshop, adding images from fall and early winter. (It seems out of sequence, but there is a shot in the stack from our mid-October snowstorm.) I discovered that PhotoShop isn’t so good at aligning stacks with this many images (probably because I wasn’t very precise with I shot them), and had to do some fiddling around. Still, it’s a fun little exercise, and I may have more to share later today or tomorrow.
West view, March through December.
Ellis Hollow – The Year in 100 Seconds from Craig Cramer on Vimeo.
East view, March through December.
The Year at Ellis Hollow (east view) from Craig Cramer on Vimeo.
Very cool! Okay, I’m inspired… I want to do it too! Another resolution to add to my list for 2010.
I should have pointed out (as I did in previous time-lapse posts) that the directions are here: http://eirikso.com/2008/12/27/one-year-worth-of-images-give-some-amazing-videos/
Good luck Joseph. The hardest part, really, is making the images. It’s a piece of cake after that.
Lovely to see all that Spring and Summer lushness when we’re in the middle of the snow. Beautiful!
wow… you had snow before the leaves fell?!
Just an inch or so of wet snow. Not all that unusual around here. Pix of the event here: http://www.remarc.com/craig/?p=759
Brilliant. It really is the light that changes the most…well almost.