Today’s Real Dirt radio show, hosted by garden writers Ken Druse (Planthropology, etc.) and Vicki Johnson featured an interview with a Cornell co-worker of mine, Lori Bushway. (mp3 podcast).
Lori filled Ken and Vicki in on our Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners website. If you’re starting to mull over your seed catalogs this winter, you might want to stop by the site for a visit.
I like to say the site is like an for vegetable varieties, only we don’t sell the seeds. You’ll find descriptions of more than 5,000 varieties along with seed sources. And more than 3,000 registered users at the site have been rating and reviewing their favorites — as well as those that haven’t worked so well for them.
So come see which varieties your fellow gardeners recommend, and register and share your favorites.
And thanks Ken and Vicki for your kind words and for all the work you put in hosting my favorite gardening podcast.