Image via Vintagraph. (Blog featureing great WPA-era poster prints and more.)
They better like it, as the state is getting dumped on pretty hard today. We’ve got probably 4 or 5 inches here so far, but it looks from the radar like it’s going to change over to sleet or peter out earlier than expected.
Below, a few weeks ago I noticed neat piles of spruce cones piled up at the base of two trees. JI just hope that the cones keep the squirrel that has moved in from munching bulbs and other more valuable things.
A few weeks ago I posted about Cornell Plantations’ use of ‘ugly mix’ — a short-lasting, homemade, spray-on dye used to discourage Christmas-tree rustlers from raiding evergreen plantings by making the trees look diseased. The picture I had wasn’t very good. Here’s what it really looks like — more subtle.
On these shortest days of the year, where it’s not fully light when I get to work and pretty dark when I leave, the glow of the greenhouses provides a little warmth to the soul.
It floors me that people have to go to such lengths to keep people from cutting evergreens out of a public garden, but if it works, so be it.
The greenhouses look so inviting with their lights glowing.