Compost surprise

I went to dump some weeds on the compost pile between the shed and the wetlands today and almost crapped my pants. This momma is only about half the size (shell a little over a foot long) of the snapping turtles in the lake where I grew up. But she still made me jump.

snapper in the compost

She was there about 4 hours laying eggs. Gestation is two to three months. Guess I’ll be dumping weeds elsewhere this summer.

snapper in the compost

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In case you missed it this week, Zonker and Zipper explore the erotica that is bulb catalogs. You can view Start with Monday’s strip and work you’re way through the week by clicking on the next tab.

Email from UPS says my bulb order arrives Tuesday.

While shooting pix the other day I heard the tell-tale squawks of crows harassing a hawk, then they flew right overhead.

crows harassing hawk

Colchicums at Billie Jean Isbell’s garden. Billie Jean hosted our first fall 2009 program of the Adirondack Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society. Love her garden.

colchicums at bji's

On Billie Jean’s barn, ‘Flying fish’ sculpture that looks to be fashioned from a piece of warped slapwood.

colchicums at bji's

Living, Growing Architecture – Great post over at Dark Roasted Blend, full of root and vine bridges, reed construction, espalier, arborisculpture and more.

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