Not sure where this plant came from. I think it’s a pulmonaria. There are some faint markings on the leaves — which is what you really what you really look for in a pulmonaria. The plant is butt ugly. But I’ve never seen one with better flowers from anything in this genus.
Il seems to me that is pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’.
hahahahah!!!, “butt ugly”. it’s better looking than some plants and certainly better looking than most weeds…?
The blooms are gorgeous; it is too bad the foliage is not more of a positive for this plant.
I am not sure it could be any bluer.
I agree with Charlie — The blooms are beautiful … Pulmonaria aren’t typically the most attractive plant either. Maybe this is an exception.
I am not familiar with Pulmonaria, so I am not sure about the exact identity of this plant. But it is very beautiful, carrying beautiful shade of blue.
“The blooms are gorgeous; it is too bad the foliage is not more of a positive for this plant”
Indeed, couldn’t agree more..
What is the plant in the background with the pink blooms?
The pink plant is a hellebore, obviously I don’t which one as its not my garden. The blue of the pulmonaria is beautiful.