More spring pix

Cleaning up some images from a couple weeks ago that I never got around to posting. More to come this weekend when the tulips finally break.

Emerging bloodroot.  These are singles.  The doubles are running a few days behind.

emerging bloodroot

Backlit pulmonaria.


and Tulipa ‘I haven’t a clue’.


Peachy primula.


Pulmonaria and stone.


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5 thoughts on “More spring pix”

  1. I can’t believe how thick that cluster of primulas is, Craig. How long has it been there?

    The pulmonaria pics make me want to go out and buy some… ‘Sissinghurst White’ and ‘Mrs. Moon’ were very happy in my old, moist, clay garden but I’m afraid they would be too dry here.

  2. Hi Kim: Those primroses have only been there a couple years. I like pulmonaria a lot. They are in a bed that’s under a Norway maple, so they dry out an look a little ratty most summers. But they increase and I’d grow them if only for the couple weeks in spring when they peak. I’ve got several varieties dug from a friend’s garden, and enjoy the variation in leaf as much as the flowers.

  3. Colleen: And I would thing the taxonomists and marketers wouldn’t let that cultivar name be used for so many genera.

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