Spotted these in the historic Minns Garden, outside the Plant Science Building. Am trying to pull a video together about these. Stay tuned.
7 thoughts on “New Allium”
wow. I love alliums – I have giant ones, small ones, onions, garlic…. but I have never seen any with that amazing cool rainbow color! yes, do tell us more about these…
holy cow! those are really colorful…or…is it just my monitor?
Me thinks someone has been in the garden with pails of paint….no?
Makes me smile. and speaking of smilin’, do you think you will put that video you shot of Felder yesterday up? I keep repeating all the one-liners I can remember but am already wanting more!
I MUST get alliums!
ah yes, those spray painting faeries have been at work once again… did you see the upstate gardener’s journal page on fb asking if this was a proper “do” or a “don’t” in the garden? lots of interesting responses, but looks like most people (but not me) frown upon it. i wonder what felder would say?
wow. I love alliums – I have giant ones, small ones, onions, garlic…. but I have never seen any with that amazing cool rainbow color! yes, do tell us more about these…
holy cow! those are really colorful…or…is it just my monitor?
Me thinks someone has been in the garden with pails of paint….no?
Makes me smile. and speaking of smilin’, do you think you will put that video you shot of Felder yesterday up? I keep repeating all the one-liners I can remember but am already wanting more!
I MUST get alliums!
ah yes, those spray painting faeries have been at work once again… did you see the upstate gardener’s journal page on fb asking if this was a proper “do” or a “don’t” in the garden? lots of interesting responses, but looks like most people (but not me) frown upon it. i wonder what felder would say?
Yes, these are fake!!!
you can see it. spiderlines are also colored.
and even on the stems.
please do not…