Hat tip as usual to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting. More to scan than time to scan it, but here are a couple. Click on images for larger view.
Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum, Tradescantia, Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’, chives, columbine, lunaria.
Geranium renardii “Nätnävaâ€, Veronica ‘Royal Candles’, knautia, peony, various irises.
Oh my gosh. Poor Fred. I hope he is all better now. Lovely flowers.
I love all the colors of the flowers you’ve put together. Happy Bloom Day!
Beautiful photos!
The stones are oddly compelling. I think a scan is the best way to display Nectaroscordum, as they often don’t stand out in the garden, but the flowers have a subtle beauty. I don’t think I could cut a Peony in bud just to make art, but I’m glad you did. I really like the second scan.
crap, is it bloom day again? I THOUGHT they were kidney stones in your “guess what” post but thought there couldn’t be sooo many! Poor Fred!
Poor Fred!
Once again, Craig, you’ve outdone yourself with the scans. I really like them both.
Oh wow… no wonder Fred was such a miserable doggy! But like someone else mentioned, the stones scan is oddly beautiful, too.
I adore the rest of the scans, but that ‘Fireglow’ euphorbia really jumps out at me. I think I need some of that. 🙂
Beautiful, as always. Good heavens, poor Fred! I’m glad he is doing better.
Fred’s art.
What a weird world. Love this image.
Craig, those scans just take my breath away. So lovely.
Hort question: How do you keep the nectoscordum from falling over? Mine are always laying on the ground. I’ve seen them in other gardens where they were strong and tall.
Fred. Poor Fred.
Good question on the nectaroscordum. I’ve got some that stand straight. Some that lean. Some that flat tip over from the get-go. I haven’t figured out why.
Most of them are among other plants of some stature. (Heck, there’s really not much in my garden that’s not either crowding something out or being croweded out.) I suspect the support of neighboring plants helps. But that’s no guarantee, either.
Are yours just standing (or rather falling) alone?
I have not see all of your beautiful blog, sure not less amazing than these wonderful pieces of art