Winter’s back broken

-2F this morning.  About 6 degrees shy of the record, but plenty cold.  It’s easier to take this time of the year knowing that we’ve got 40s coming this weekend and 50s next week.

I predicted we’d pay for the warm early winter we had. But in all fairness, I also predicted that we’d seen the last of the below-zero temperature last time we bottomed out.

It should make for a compressed spring where all the early flowers  cram their show into a short period of time.

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3 thoughts on “Winter’s back broken”

  1. Sometimes those compressed springs were the most beautiful in my Illinois garden experience- bet you’ll have some unusual combinations this year, when plants that don’t usually bloom together have a rare flirtation.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  2. Annie, Pam: I hope we get that rare flirtation and that I don’t get so busy that I don’t have time to share it all. Will try to keep you posted.

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