Jade in heaven

jade in heaven

The border collie in Jade makes her a little obsessive — especially when it comes to spruce cones. She loves them more than frisbees and tennis balls. If you visit, she’ll drop her favorite — a grimy slimy one — at your feet and bark until you pick it up and throw it.

Today, with the spruce bows bent close to the ground, Jade harvested herself a season’s worth from the low hanging branches.

Credit Elly for the animation.

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6 thoughts on “Jade in heaven”

  1. I believe your love of dogs is mentioned in the subhead of your banner, if I recall.

    Jade had to prove her intelligence, what with all those comments about Fred’s good looks.

  2. LOL! What a great series… I would pick up her slimy little toy and throw it for her anytime. Jade makes me smile!

  3. This is hilarious. I feel like my dogs are deprived, living in the south without snow. I do take them to the ocean alot – so that’s a decent trade-off, I’m guessing. My brother’s burnese mountain dog was chewing a bone out on his deck (in Vermont) a few days ago, and ~ four inches of snow accumulated on his back while he was chewing. It was really funny – my brother sent me a pic.

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