Bloom day: Singles, kaleidoscopes and more

My friend Julie at The Human Flower Project confided to me the other day that she missed the basic scans that I used to do, opting instead for the fancy stuff. Yeah. All the fiddling around turns the plants from the subject of the composition to the material used to compose the image. But I still can’t give it up, because it’s too much fun. So today I did a series of basic scans — most of a single plant — and the took it from there …

Crocosmia …
july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

Filipendula …
july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

Bottlebrush buckeye …
july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

A classic optical illusion — not that that’s what I was shooting for …
july bloom day scans

Group shot …
july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans

july bloom day scans