Miscanthus in motion

Have to admit that this month’s Picture This Photo Contest at Gardening Gone Wild is a bit daunting. The whole idea is to use purposely long exposures to show blur and motion. I’m not a technical expert, so I appreciated the nudge to stretch a little. I’ve discovered that there are things I can do with a tripod and long exposures just about the time I usually put the camera away in the evening.

I’ve always been a fan of ornamental grasses precisely for the element of motion they bring to the garden. So Sunday evening, I tried my best to capture some motion on a variegated miscanthus. Lots left to learn.

miscanthus in motion

miscanthus in motion

miscanthus in motion

miscanthus in motion

miscanthus in motion

miscanthus in motion

Sunday music: Dave Carter

For some reason, this old favorite makes sense for Father’s Day and the approaching solstice. Not sure why. Probably the combination of great gardening weather today and a little time to enjoy it.