Livestreaming ShaleShock concert

Update: Archived video coming to WishingWell soon.

Looks like the Ithaca Journal is livestreaming tonight’s Shaleshock Benefit concert. (More properly, the Life is Water, A Benefit Concert to Defend the Finger Lakes Against Unsafe Gas Drilling, featuring Local superstars Sim Redmond Band, The Horseflies and Donna the Buffalo.) They’re doing soundchecks now (~4:30). But it should be rockin’ later on.

Watch live streaming video from ithacajournal at

For you folks who aren’t from around these parts. This is a fundraiser for the major environmental issue facing us here in the Finger Lakes and surrounding area. We sit atop the Marcellus Shale — one of the biggest deposits of natural gas left in the country. But the methods they want to use to extract it ‘economically’ put our rich water resources at risk.

Hey. It’s gray here. But at least we’ve got abundant, clean water. At least for now.

Visit for more authoritative info on the subject. And enjoy the concert.

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