Early June image dump

Late-spring/early summer has been whizzing by. Life’s been busy and haven’t had a chance to take many pix. And I’ve been slow to get them onto the blog. Here are some random shots to get caught up.

I notice that I’m shooting a lot of ’tilted’ shots. (The house in the background is the biggest giveaway.) Not sure why. I don’t think I’m doing it on purpose. I guess I just don’t feel obligated to level the camera any more.

Lupines and bunching onions in the veggie garden. (No I don’t eat the lupines. They’re joost for pretty.)
early june image dump

early june image dump

South bed, morning light.
early june image dump

Variegated Solomon’s seal, evening light.
early june image dump

early june image dump

Water lilly, Secret Garden outside Plant Sciences
early june image dump

early june image dump

Veronica ‘Royal Candles’, artemisia, verbascum.
image dump

Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’

Fast becoming one of my favorites as it spreads politely (so far). And I don’t like orange. As with Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum (pix coming later this week), it’s the range of colors in a single plant that amazes.

The usual moving closer series …




Contest: ID this

Well, it’s not the kind of contest where I give away valuable swag that the ‘marketing department’ sent me to get a free plug. (That’s because the marketing department never sends me anything.) But if the first person to ID what’s pictured below wants, I’ll propagate any plant here that I can and send it to them.

For a sense of scale, most of these are BB-sized, but the big one is about 1/2 inch in diameter. Click on image for a larger view.

wtf is this?