Garden bloggers bloom day – March scans

The customary hat tip and thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting.

I’ve got Eranthis and snowdrops flowering outside (crocus are a little behind), but not enough to fill the scanner bed. So I’m going with forced tulips and pussy willows.

march bloom day scans

Above is a detail from this image:
march bloom day scans

And here’s a sweet potato from the kitchen window sill:

sweet potato scan

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Garden blogger bloom day scans

I couldn’t bear to do another somber ‘seeds and twigs’ scan. Needed some color instead. So I went with the African violets and some late-forced bulbs.

African violet and emerging bulbs

I really wasn’t all that excited about the bulb scans. But you can bet that sometime this summer I’ll plop some yellow flowers down on the background.

African violet and emerging bulbs

An alternate take.

African violet and emerging bulbs

As always, thanks for Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting.

All bloom day scans.

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Garden Blogger Bloom Day Scans – Holiday edition

Or fun with poinsettias.  I need some good winter-month scans if I’m ever going to do that calendar. Click on images for larger view (except the blingee at the end).

december 2008 scans

The pieces: Three poinsettia ‘blossoms’ (tough to fit on the scanner bed) and a page of scraps. Yeah, latex on the scanner bed was an issue.

december 2008 scans

december 2008 scans

december 2008 scans

december 2008 scans

Thought about stopping at this point:

december 2008 scans

Couldn’t help myself, I had to try at least a little blingee.

december 2008 scans

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