8 thoughts on “Bloom day scans”

  1. Another nice collection. I like the floating in space quality of the first picture and the panorama-like last one.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Les.

    Cathy: Those are all daffodils in the first image. The double I think you’re referring to is (I’m pretty sure) ‘Irene Copeland’ — a 1915 heirloom from Old Home Gardens.

    I’ve got a few nice but neglected clumps of primulas here and there. I like them, but they don’t get the attention they deserve.

  3. As gorgeous as ever. Since many of these are plants I know, I like the fact that I can figure out the scale of everything. I had thought I did not like double daffs, but seeing ‘Irene’ I may have just changed my mind. What is the daff with the peachy edging?

  4. Hi Craig,

    I’m the picture researcher for Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, the UK’s longest running voice of the green movement. I’ve come across your incredible bloom day scans and with your permission we’d like to us this one (labelled ‘Etc.’ above) as the cover image for our upcoming issue.

    I’m really hoping you’d be happy to have your work included, I’d love to hear from you. I’m afraid I’m contacting you at the 11th hour as we go to press in a few days.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed,

    Best wishes,


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