10 thoughts on “Bloom day scans”

  1. Nope. Not astrantia. But I see the resemblance. They’re buttonbush
    (Cephalanthus occidentalis):

    They’re actually spherical. It was a gift from Rick Uva, author of Weeds of
    the Northeast. He worked in our department on on beach plums before moving
    to the Delmarva Peninsula to start a farm/nursery. It’s a great shrub for
    me because it thrives in wet soil/standing water.

  2. I absolutely adore the canna scans! At first glance, I liked the top one best… but now that I keep looking at them, the bottom one might be my favorite. I’m thinking they would be lovely in a pair, just the way you show them on your blog, on the wall in my hallway… 🙂

  3. I normally like the collages, but the canna pictures I keep going back too, especialy the last one. It has an other worldly quality about it.

  4. These scans are such an interesting idea. I really like the purple one – but then I am a big fan of purple flowers.

    I just got two Houttuynia cordata from my parents this year. I figure if they could overwinter in their zone 3 garden they should do just fine in my zone4/5.

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