Some warm colors

More from the weekend image dump …

Abutilon pictum ‘Thompsonii’ (I think. Finally looked it up tonight by googling variegated abutilon and mostly got images from my own blog.  And discovered I’d been misspelling it all these years.)
some warm colors

Slightly different view.
some warm colors

Up close.
some warm colors

some warm colors

Sanguisorba tenuifolia (Burnet)
some warm colors

some warm colors

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4 thoughts on “Some warm colors”

  1. I love arbutilons but I remember growing them only as display stands for millions of white flies. Do you keep yours outside? How do you carry them over winter?

  2. Jim: We’re about two zones too cold to overwinter them outside. I cut them back and put them in a bright, cool, unused bedroom overwinter. So far, no white flies.

  3. I’ve grown abutilon as an annual – I didn’t know I could overwinter it. Thanks for that info – maybe I’ll try again this next year. I love it in containers with other things – the foliage and flowers are always so pretty. Great photos this post, too.

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