More purples and violets

Over the last weekend or two, I’ve realized once again that I seem to have an attraction for purples and violets. Click images for larger view.

purples and violets

After telling my country neighbor Lynn not to get her hopes up about anemones (due to my experiences with them as deer candy), a couple of forgotten plants snuck out of the thicket and started blooming. Am hoping all those buds break before bambi finds them.

purples and violets

Another hibiscus coming into flower in the bog garden.

purples and violets

A sedum (spp. unknown) in a trough out front.

purples and violets

And of course there are still coneflowers blooming, this one a little later in a little shadier location.

purples and violets

purples and violets

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8 thoughts on “More purples and violets”

  1. Jeez, Les. You just broke the record on fastest comment. I didn’t publish that more than 5 minutes ago.

    That sedum was from an unmarked pot at a plant sale — or at least that’s the excuse I use most often for note knowing the cultivar. It’s small — at least in this unwatered trough. Stems are under a foot long and generally flop.

  2. When I look at photos of my yard I realize I am more that a little obsessed with yellow. I do have a lot of anemones and cone flowers in bloom right now though – a couple of bullies, those two!

  3. dlyn: I always remember the whiny line from a ’50s perennials book, complaining about the ‘surfeit of yellow’ in spring. As if you could have too much yellow.

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