9 thoughts on “May Bloom Day scan”

  1. Oooh… I LOVE how the purple primroses still look very drumstick-y with their obviously spherical flowerheads. What kind are those?

  2. Kim: I grew those from leftover seed from a friend — a dozen packs of ancient seed from seed exchanges dumped in a pot in hopes something might still come up. That was the only plant I got. It was worth the effort, but I didn’t write anything down when I sowed the seed.

  3. Hiya Craig,

    Scanning the flower heads gives it such a mysterious antique quality. Wonderful. You must have a large scanner to cram so much in.
    Like a Dutch oil painting.

  4. Hi Craig,
    WOW! Thompson county must be awash in blooms! Your flowers are spectacular, and I agree the treatment gives them a lovely antique look. I always love the pansies. That was a cool article on Festival au Desert–wish we were close enough to attend. My connection’s too poor to listen to your post but can’t wait to hear the band when we get back. Flying out 2 weeks from tomorrow! Wonder what our poor untended yard will look like? Take good care. ~Lynn

  5. That’s a nice bunch of flowers. I see that you still have daffodils in bloom, so your flowers can’t be too far ahead in spite of the warmer weather you had. I like that scan, you are getting quite good at it.

  6. joco: Actually, it’s just a cheap, hand-me-down document scanner. Yes, the resemblence to Dutch Masters paintings is sometimes startling.

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