Unfortunate subject line

The first editor I worked for warned me about asking hypothetical questions.

I think the world of Marie Iannotti over at About.com: Gardening, but the subject line from her opt-in email today could have used a second look before hitting send:

About Gardening: Is it Garden Worthy?

I’ve written my share of bad subject lines and headlines.  That said, Marie has started what could be a really garden-worthy thread with this question:

I ‘m curious to know what your experience has been with planting award winning or much touted plants in your own gardens – good or bad. Use the comments link below and clue us in to which plants would you recommend and which should we avoid?

To which I commented:

If I recall correctly, one of the criteria for AAS winners is ‘widely adapted’ — so they should perform well for most gardeners. But I’m more apt to look for plants that are peculiarly adapted to my situation as opposed to those that will do OK all over.

Go take Marie’s poll and join the conversation.

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