‘Picture this’ photo contest: ‘Genius loci’ edition

OK. Time to commit. I wish that I had a whole season for this month’s ‘Picture This’ photo contest assignment. But going through the comments the prelim post where I ran through more than a dozen contenders from earlier seasons, I’m going to rely on the advice I got from Laurie:

“[Go with] the last one. You captured it with your comment ‘the gradation from human to wild’. It tells the story of your place in one shot: how it’s a safe created harbor where human stuff happens (picnicking, potting, sitting,) but it is only just barely contained inside a little fortress of tall flowering ramparts… then the outside untamed world takes over. I am sensing a first prize again.”

And yes, I am very much aware of Julie Moir Messervy’s harbor archetype.

old pix

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4 thoughts on “‘Picture this’ photo contest: ‘Genius loci’ edition”

  1. I’m so glad you picked that one (for all the reasons I noted initially). And thanks for the reference. I’ll be eager to check the winner when it’s announced!

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