Tax Day Nor’easter

Nothing I like better than waking up halfway through April to this:

nor'easter snow

Yes, I did the spring deer fence repair around the garden a couple weeks ago. Heavy wet snow like this — 6 inches overnight, maybe another 8 or more today — dragged it down, no sweat. The alders are bent to the ground and even the lizard was collecting snow. Might have more from after work later.

bent alderssnow lizard

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6 thoughts on “Tax Day Nor’easter”

  1. The same thing happened to our chicken fence (to keep the chickens in their yard and out of my garden). The chicken wire was several years old and in some places I suspect it just broke where it was attached to the fenceposts. We were without power for about 12 hours: 5:30am to 5:30 pm.

  2. Kathy: I hold the mesh fence up with staples (poorly gunned in) and bread bag twisties. That way, when it all comes down in the ice or snow, the posts and the mesh are (mostly) undamaged.

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